Supermarket Guy 5 halfway done

It is times like these, where I ask myself, should I complete Part 5. Waivering again, not sure of finishing the book. Progressing behind my own time limit, wondering what is the use to continue on writing books that are not highly in demand.

Last year or so, possibly the worst yet the best year for my series. Winning a humor award, but yet producing the worst sales to date. Best review from a review site as well for Part 4,  yet no results at the back end of the sales.

I probably will finish part 5,  but surely over the next year, it more than likely will mean retirement from writing this style of books. Humor cannot finish far ahead of the other genres, unless you possibly have a ton of money for marketing, or you are a famous star who can crank anything out and it will more than likely sell, even if it is bad.

I will more than likely complete the cover on Part 5, and finish the body, but this probably will be the last, if results are much the same as for the rest of the series. 

Still writing, till next time...


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