The Supermarket Guy 5 progress report

The progress report on part 5 is not so bad. I had done a little work on it in the past week, but problems and too much work at my real job had suppressed any true progress on this new, but old novel to the series.

Fact is, it is as humorous as the best of my four novels, as it takes the reader back to a time where there was no I Phones. Smoking was cool. Diapers were maybe not used everywhere. And the hero is just a baby to teenager. He has to try to understand a life he was thrown into, where perhaps love was not entirely there for him, and caring came to him in the most unexpected places.

Cannot really get into to much into the details, but he definitely will suprise everyone with his mediocrity, perhaps, or true talent and become a hero in another small way...

Maybe he may even meet one of his old nemesis, by mistake, not even knowing his real name!

Well, I hope I can get the time to finish it off, but I am behind schedule. But who is really waiting for me to finish it, anyways... Truth is, for all writers, the more time you have, the more better product you can roll out there. I know even to this date, the first three I had released, I could go in each book and add some funny stuff but it is too costly of an endeavor, at this point in time.

That is all for now folks, we will see how thigs work out in a few months time...


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