Supermarket Guy 5 doing very well.

Have approximately 15 % written on Part 5 so far. It is going really well, but the first few chapters maybe more drama and less action. Relationships come into play as the main characters father and mother first meet. A meeting of the eccentrics, one extreme male dominate character with a woman who takes liberty to the maximum extreme, looking back to the 70's, where we remember the 8 track tape and black and white tv. When smoking was cool. A decade where the men held the dominance in affairs and in the household, and the women usually held the fort at the home. Things have changed for the better through the late 80s and 90s, as a womans place in the world has become much more equal these days, becoming bread winners and with the men sharing allot of the household chores these days in many families. Perhaps Margaret Thatcher paved the way for many women all over the world. Now even governments make sure there is a good number of women in their cabinet in order to govern, and many women are now heads of state in many countries around the world.

So the book takes back to those wonderful 70s, where the economy was doing well and you did not have to have a big college education to grab a job, a good union job at that. I say 15 % finished, but I am thinking the book should be of similar size to the first novel, which was around 200 pages of material in paperback. Do not really see a reason to finish this one fast either, and could be either in the fall or past Christmas before its release.

Just now that there are many book contests that I can see to enter, so that may have an influence on how fast I finish this one. Deadlines are there, and I would like to throw my books into many of these contests worldwide, but many depend on the year of copyright or publication, and in many instances I pass these dates without really thinking how important a book contest maybe... Sadly enough, many contests do not want an E Book (self published either) in them, so I must look for ones that allow that too.

Anyways, I will keep writing for now, as to do an E book is relatively worry free and headache free for now... Till next time.


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