The Supermarket Guy IV countdown!

The Supermarket Guy IV countdown in 1... 2... days, and should be available via Amazon Kindle... Plus or minus a half a day or so. Or maybe bang on time... The other formats may take up to 10 days for other formats, up to 3 weeks for even more formatted versions.

The process was actually less painful than what I had been thought to believe, with a few stories of how some people did not get it formatted in a good flowing way to appear on the pages of a E book reader. I hope the version I got back ( the proof), goes good on your reader just as it looked good on mine... And it should.

The cover looks great, and the current company kept it within the ideas of my last 3 books. If it does well, a print book would be available later on. If it does bad, then the E book will be as far as it goes.

I may start writing another, since this process was less painful via the pocketbook than the others... E books are cheaper, but when getting it to print, it is all a different story.

No, this really helped me in an avenue on how to be creative again, how to grow again, and how to find an avenue to keep things afloat when things did look pretty stagnant at one time.

The Supermarket Guy part whatever?  Maybe another one, before Part 1 or after Part 4? If the time permits....

Till next time..


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