The Release of Part 4 and the aftermath

There were no parades in the streets, fireworks or hoopla at all on the release of Part 4. Just allot of silence, tranquility, and many tall grey stone walls all around it...

Not easy with an E book to market, either. There are very few sites that may help at no costs, but many as we all know, want money to try to 'help' you with your E Book (which is understandable and human), but still do not believe they could lift a book up into someones hands to read it. Then give you a review.

I gave many books out on Goodreads and then Amazon with their giveaways. It seemed like the latter did not give me many reviews, but I was told I should have solicitated reviews on the giveaway. Right now, my newest E book off of the line has it showing me nothing.

I have tweeted on twitter to some very great hashtags, but nothing has come about. A few clicks of interest, but this did not surprise me at all. I have tweeted about the last two books, but when Part 1 came out I did not know about twitter. Still not certain about the effectiveness of twitter at all, as I had said earlier in time, many people who may follow you, the vaste majority just want to sell you their product as well...

So, I just as well expected what I expected. No reviews, no fanfare for Part 4. Somehow I had to publish it though. Like an addict after his favorite rush. Well. That is the way it goes. Deep down in the recesses of the mind, we always believe in our product, no matter who we are or what we do. Think it is the greatest ever... But if it doesn't catch, I geuss we were all proved wrong...

Till next time...


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