The Supermarket Guy IV

Hard to believe, but in the last week or two I actually had some spare time.  Spare time to create a cover for Part 4.

Why, I will never know. I think it is because the cover stuck in my mind, like a George Jones song "There is nothing better, once you had the best"

Well, the best cover I had ever made. Why did the black ink not smudge this time, making me frustrated to make it over time and time again? Why did the color scheme seem to flow so effortlessly across its page? Why was the page full of energy and synergy?

Was this cover the greater than the rest of its parts?  Did I finally get it right?

I guess you never know until you try. Thinking that the main body of the text is complete, the cover, the back cover paraphrase, the preface, it all seems like a done deal.

Not yet. Not by a short shot. Short, I hope.

Well, I need to still read through it again. Editing services are expensive at 1200 to 2000 for the whole novel. A novel that may not sell that well.  Looking for that perfect editor. But who needs a bloody editor at ,99 c a copy.

Oh, e book you are thinking. So am I.

Cheap, yes. Price setting to the lowest of the lows, yes! Just trying to chink out the final details.

Perhaps the world will see "The Supermarket Guy 4"

We will just have to wait and see. The cover definitely made me move forward.

Just a simple cover. I made it this time without much thought, as the first 3 novels. I made it so effortlessly. Why, well. There must be a reason.

Till next time...


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