A sad day for The Supermarket Guy series

Today,  with much regret, I had to take down my website that showcased my three books. I had a small blogspot there also, and it had write ups of the three books paraphrase or summary of how it all unrolled with a biography added about yours truly.

Problem was, the only amount of input I was getting on that site was allot of spam. And for the price of nearly close to 100 dollars a year, I could not justify keeping it running. Basically, zero book sales means I had to cut the costs down somehow.

Now printers want a 20 dollar fee per book to keep your book in availability for print. In my opinion, that is just another money grab, as the book is on a file somewhere on a printing presses hard drive, and they can just churn it out.

I was nearly close to cutting the can even on the three books, just over the 80 dollar fee I am to pay this year in order to keep the three books available to the general public. Why?

Good question. As another year goes by, perhaps my feelings will be to can the whole thing. Self publishing is tough. You get buried in the sand, with millions of books pushing you down with each passing year that goes by. You get forgotten about. Awfully quickly.

Part 4 is still put away in a safe place, but it may never see publication. Part 3 was exposed to be the book that would have rolled the whole series into the limelight. Not saying that it should have done extremely well, but I was hoping for to sell a few hundred books per year.

That is just not the case with the vast majority of self published authors. We do terrible, 90 % or plus in my view are in the same vote as me.

I will leave it at that for now. Disappointed, in the sites performance. Disappointed in my books performance.

Till next time....


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