Good evening supermarket maniacs!

To this day, I must say, the dilemma facing the production of Part 4 is once again rearing its green moldy head out of the fruit and vegetable supermarket aisle... Money.

Money, to help produce a quality product. With negative cash flows with the other three books, Part 4 so does truly appear to be so much ever so far away from a book or e book production.

I will continue to search in the limited spare time I have for cost efficient ways to produce Part 4, but as it stands of now it cannot be produced. The Canadian Dollar Vs American is 75 cents. Take in exchange rates, what not, it leaves me only to think of trying to produce it hear in Canada. Editing costs range anywhere from 2000 to 850 for a book of 85000 words or plus.

Difficult to get a cheap editor, but will look in my own province for such an option. That is of course, the first hurdle to pass.

I will not say it is over, but it does not look good. The future is indeed gloomy for Part 4. It was sent to a humor production company, so I am awaiting word on their sampling. I am unsure on how it will fit into their great line up, as well.

So that is it for now. Trying to find efficient, money saving ways to produce Part 4. Any ideas?

Till next time.


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