Part 4- The Supermarket Guy- Fury ___________ Gods... Delayed...

Part 4-  The Supermarket Guy-  Fury ____________  Gods....  Delayed... Until book sales pick up.. Which they never may pick up.

Part 4 should have been rolling by now,  but due to lack of sales,  the book probably will face certain death. Harold Wannapus was going to be taking on another old adversary,  yet a new, untapped threat to the world that perhaps was never used to this extent...  Perhaps from the Gods?

With over a million self publishing books released every year, it is difficult for any book, even good, to break into the best selling ranks... I did not understand, or realize, that it would be that hard.  And did not understand the tremendous amount of work required to push a book into the limelight.  I knew it was a slight, if narrow opening for a chance to succeed, but am happy that I took that chance. The books in my view, are amazing, and the hero is someone that I wish we had here today. Void of any personal knowledge of the sinister side of life, until it actually confronts him overtly when it stares him in the face... Then he is forced to take action...

I will continue to give out contests, until I cannot do no more... After a year, Part 3 will be considered an old book, and the contests will have ended then.. Part 3 is now 6 months old, and has only broken the 200 000 mark in books on Amazon 2 times or so lately... But has dropped back into the millions, shortly after... Thus telling me I had perhaps only a sale or so, now and then...

I want to thank all of you who visited here, who have shared a laugh or two, and did not take anything to seriously... As someone once said, in life, all we got is each other on this small little planet. Lets make an effort to respect each others commitment to life..

Till next time...


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