Snow this morning in Northern NB!

The snow has finally arrived. Just a few centimeters this morning, the roads were covered and it made the turns a little slippery. I do have winter tires on, but I still do reduce my speeds somewhat in winter driving. Wet slushy snow, can haul a vehicle over on the side or to the middle of the road at times.

The snow plows were only out in certain communities, as when driving through, most roads were snow packed and slippery. We are expected to get a winter storm in the next few days, of several centimeters. It maybe a good ski doo season. Skiers maybe waxing their equipment as we speak, in great anticipation of hitting the slopes a little earlier this year. The earlier the snow falls, the better it is for the winter tourism season here, in the North.

Besides that, no news on the book. Reviews are slow coming, and am anxious to see something, somewhere. I did write a little more on Part 4, but when leaving the story alone for a long while, I need to reread it again and see what direction I was heading into. Maybe this weekend I will have a little more time to add a few pages...

Till next time..


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