Goodreads "Cast your your vote" for the 2013 best books!

The Goodreads "Cast your vote" for the 2013 best books awards, are now here!

The readers decide whose books will be the best of the best! What a great contest, and it is truly the readers who decide whose book is the best!

I am now preparing my winning speech as we speak. There is no doubt I will win in all the categories, except for the horses *(&  trophy category...

Alright.. So I may come in a close 1000th in the humor realm of things. This is a tough competition, and you have to be from the land of the ducks and not be bad to your monkey... To win this thing...

I do not expect to get even nominated this year... I really would not want to win an award like that, anyways. It is nice for the authors to show that they had reached the top, but once you are there, where are yeah? How can you successfully reach the pinnacle every year. If your books did not do well in the voting in the years ahead, it would make a writer feel... Maybe just a little, sad... Maybe...

Winning is not everything, as with these three books I have now proven, thus far.... Personal satisfaction is the greatest artwork of them all, and when you are personally satisfied with any achievement you make ( no matter how bad or good it turns out), then you have put your mind to rest...

Time for rest... Till next time..


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