How about a black weekend?
Just checking on the news, all the fuss about the black Friday sales taking place, primarily in the United States. People camping outside, in line ups for hours, before the doors of the huge retailers actually open. The running towards the aisles, where their deals maybe waiting for them to be taken home. The disappointment when the shelves become starved for many, who just do not have the tenacity or the velocity of the others, rushing for that last package. Why don't the retailers, spread the blackness over 2 or 3 days, and call it the Black weekend? 3 days, where the retailers can give the same deals, over those three days. Make sure they divide the stock up, for 3 days of sale. Have the goods, available over three days of shopping, to a limit. This would reduce the insanity of long lines. It would give a chance for others to get the goods that they want, as not everyone can make it on each and every day of the Black weekend... It would reduce the camping out, the rushing...