Spell checked Part 3 again last night

Part 3 spell checked again last night. I found allot of double spacing, and even a few more minor mistakes. This is probably why it is so important, even after going through the 3rd draft, to have it edited.

The thing I hate the most, is trying to get all of the parentheses and commas, periods after it, sorted out. I think allot of works have different templates for the periods, commas, and work around the parenthesis. I usually leave that to the editing department to strongly sort that out, and usually it was with the publisher.

This document is 68 800 words. It is larger than my other two works. I e mailed my publisher the other day about it, and saying how ready I was to go ahead with publishing it. They are quite interested, of course, and may or may not cut me a deal on the publishing part of it. If I decide to go with them again, it will be the third time.

And, it is quite pleasant after doing the first one. The nerves are not as bad as the first publication. There was worry, about what I was missing in the whole scheme of things. What did I have to do? Was I forgetting something. Part 2 was quite effortless, and I did not torment the publishing people hardly at all, as with the first work. Asking allot of questions, keeping them on the move. Part 2, the questions were very scarce. Part 3, probably even more scarce. I worked with a good crew at the old place of publication. Very nice people.

If I would go with an E Book publisher, it is only because I want to save money. Something that I feel I should be doing. Only thing some companies will keep your electronic copy forever, in order to satisfy customers that had problems with their copies. Even if you leave them. Interesting. Not sure what I think of that. I find every company you deal with, have little bonuses and some things that are left out. Some companies can produce a Kindle, but not a Kobo version, ect, ect.

This weekend I relax, leave the book sit till Monday. Till next time.


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