Porc Hock Stew

 Well, the other day, I made some Porc Hock stew. Porc Hocks, the pig legs, are very tender if you cook it in a slow cooker for a few hours at a low temperature.  Myself, I just put 6 porc hocks in a pot, and fried them up in olive oil. Once browned, I added water, carrots, potatoes, turnips, onions, a bit of thyme ( not much) and 3 bay leaves on top. Salt and pepper, a half a tsp each to a tsp. Of course, the water level should be enough just so that everything is just covered. The cabbage, you can put in later, because it will dissolve in the stew. I added onion powder, a tsp as well. It cooked on the stovetop for an hour on medium to low boil, so that the flavors mend in. Also, the cabbage, should be added near the last 10 minutes or so. My onions did dissolve, in the broth... If you rather it does not,  add the onions later on as well.

Here are some pictures of the chopping and the pot being placed on boil... 

As I said earlier,  a slow cooker is the way to go... But, the porc hocks are fairly tender as the way it goes...  And yes, I did, put in the cabbage too early, it dissolved also.. And Remove the Bay Leaves after it is ready.. I just put in 3, and it was enough.. But it was still good... Till next time... 


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