The Supermarket Guy 5 update

Well to everyone and everybody that is waiting, and waiting, for the Supermarket Guy 5.

So sorry to keep everyone waiting,  but unsure if everybody or even if one person is waiting for it... But, due to common sense and costing,  it cannot be produced.

Not enough money has come in to call it in to production. The series is in stall mode. There should have been enough humor in the first 4 books, to warrant its production,  but there was never even enough sales to pay for Part 1.  Part 4 was exposed to be the home run at any rate,  it obviously failed to gain any momentum to get many more reviews or interest.

Interest is what everything takes in life to succeed. No interest from the outside world,  caused my interest to fail in producing Part 5 at the moment.

No use to waste time here at all. Part 5 could have been produced a year ago,  but there was no sales or great reviews to help it along.

For now,  Part 5 is stalled.  Maybe,  never being released for a long, long time...


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