The Supermarket Guy 5 ready to go!

The Supermarket Guy 5 is ready to go!  It was, in fact, ready to go for a long, long time.

Problem being, as always with self published authors, is the money. Sales have been very low, extremely low for this series. I cannot obviously publish this one without a little good luck coming my way in the form of the greenback.

I can play the fiddle on here all I want, but the strings are now broken. The rozen for the bow is non existant. I can only tap on the exterior to make a nice soft, drumming sound...

The cover is done. The book is heavy, a big book, full of humor and comedy! 

What do I need.  Some sort of luck on the sales end of things, to help it along. For now, this has all dried up like the Sahara.

Well. Maybe the fall. Maybe the winter? Do I have any fans at all. Probably none...

If you go one post below, please click on my book links and purchase a book to help get part 5 on the right track to publication.

Thanks. And have a Supermarket kind of day!


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