The Supermarket Guy 5 progress report
Anybody who believes that last post I put down there must be more funny than I am... Part 5 is over halfway done, or nearly 2/3 rds done. It deals more with the tough life of the superstar, parents who were not there for him, who had to rely on close family and friends, and his brawn, to get by in life... This story is another sure fire hit. But, due to financial trouble in the stock markets, perhaps this book may just be another E book. It will be entered in other contests for humor, as the last book won a summer E Book contest, but this one, we will see how it goes... You can never predict the outcome of a book like this. It is simple, going back to the beautiful, less stressful 70's. The humor is more of an insultive nature, which worries me perhaps, somewhat. Part 1 was somewhat of the same nature. The cover is already halfway done. I got a drawing on my dresser, but may modify to create a more powerful presence on the cover. The length of the book should be nearly ...