85 % done of Part 4

Part 4 is getting better by the minute. It equals the best book in any of the parts of 1, 2 or 3. I am sure of that.

If you loved any of my work from before, you will definitely be crazy about this one, Part 4 does not disappoint.

Just need the time to finish it. Taking a long, long time. Got no time.

In life, I am beginning to realize what is most important in it.

1. Health

2. Time

3. Money

Ok, I forgot to place family & friends in between health and time, or time and money, of course...

I am severely lacking in the time factor. Just do not have time to do what I want, working 40 hrs a week then doing things for family again.

Time is very important. Lucky are the people who have lots to do their projects, and finish them on time.

Just hope I have the time to finish to produce Part 4, and the drive, ability to get to the production line. I may cop out if things get too hectic.

Till next time.


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