Justice done easy!

Sure, detective Wookinsum Ratcat was up to his old tricks... Framing innocent people for crimes that they did not commit..

This time, it was an elderly lady who just happened to stumble on a dead corpse... Androk Mudhead... Who just happened to have a Rambo knife in his back... Who just happened to have a half devoured Chicken McNugget in his mouth... Who just happened to be wandering out on the big city streets with his manly leopard print thong and muddied over gum rubber boots, manufactured from some child labored sweat shop from somewhere overseas...

Sure, Detective Ratcat seen a suspicious character with a poster of "First Blood" in his hands... But he was running pretty fast... Even though he dropped the empty box of salted nuggets near his feet... Tarzan music played on his boom box, sure, but... And this man had on a sheep shirt as well... Oh well... 

The real criminal looked fast, young, and as if he could shoulder press a few hundred sacks of chicken feathers over his head... Justice had to be served, and he was too busy texting his buddies to chase someone, that fast on his feet..

But, there was an old lady standing over the man, screaming, help, help!

Detective Ratcat yelled "Quickly, you lovely old senior citizen. Throw out the knife, try to save its wonderful blade from being tarnished from the cities local pumpkin carving competition, ever again!"

He seen her hand prints go on the knife... And it was all enough to place her hands in cuffs...

He shouted "You widow maker you! Off to jail with you" He placed the cuffs on her hands, and whipped and beat her to the prison cell where he felt justice could be sacrificed for at least the knowledge of an arrest in the local papers smut ads...

- this story has been brought to you by Rascal Attorney-
Bringing our grey area felons back onto the streets and into the inter galactic work force! 


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