U.S. Military, Canada Military, others should not Vaccinate their troops due to possible heart problems, because they train really hard!
Eric Clapton, his new Anti Vaxx song. Cannot be ignored anymore. There are side effects, deaths, with these new vaccines, as per doctors who are on the other side of the vaccine debate. If I was a commander in chief of a Nation, I would not vaccinate my troops, who train hard, exercise hard, with any hint of it causing Myocarditis, or other side effects, even if it was 1 in 30 000. I think that number could be 1 in 3000 actually, and with the other side effects, neurological, possible auto immune disease, I would never, ever, touch my soldiers health if they had to go into battle with an unproven vaccine that has to go through at least, 7 year trial. That is my opinion. Vaccination cards, how undemocratic is that. A vaxxed person is protected ( so they say), and I believe it probably does help for a short duration ( 6 months or so), before you need a booster. If you ne...