
Showing posts from March, 2013

It is because you made it.

The other day, I was looking at a painting that I had got from my relative. I found his artwork very nice, and I hung it on the wall. I remember him warning me that it had imperfections, and how he laughed about it somewhat. Personally, I did not see the imperfections as imperfections, but rather as a staple of his works. I mean this in a good way. I have imperfections in my books as well. Just that I take them to be a staple of my works. It maybe in the way of my grammar, my way of speech, or whatever. It is unique, and it what makes us or our works truly unique. And it is what makes us special. That is just the way it goes for me. When people bring their works over, whether it be books or artwork, if the creator thinks they may have a blemish or a certain default to their style, I take it as a certain brushstroke to a creation. When I read through my books, there are certain elements to it where an author sits there and contemplates the direction and strength of the writings. ...

Supermarket Dominium coming along fine. The element of bragging!

Supermarket Dominium is coming along just fine. It will be approximately the same length or longer than Part 2. There are some paragraphs where just as of late, I let them get a little dry. I stopped, and wondered if I had to add humor to each and every paragraph in there. Of course, this is just the final touch ups, that I am working at now. The first 100 pages or so, are really a staple to my first two books. Crazy humor, and it is all over the place. It is unpredictable, and you do not really know which angle I am going to come at you next. This is the polishing work, to get it to the editor before publication in a more than likely, E Book genre. As discussed earlier, the paperback version costs currently are not in the cards, do to low sales. This is what happens when you have two big CEOs high on themselves. I put the bragging pill in their mouths. As we all know from the first two books, Harold the main character, likes to brag quite a bit. But, this is the story really ...

Reviewed 1/ 3rd of Supermarket Dominium

Reviewed agian 1/3 rd of Supermarket Dominium. This will be a 210 to a 230 page paperback book, much the same length as Part 2 : Rise of the Market Overlord. It is another showdown of the giants, only this time things are going quite on a global scale. Destruction of the planet could be also at hand. I should not give out too many details. Not that I probably will sell any huge amount (laughing out loud). I drew out a rough sketch of the cover. I will try to work on it today if I got the time, and put it on this website for a preview. It does really appear that it will be offered in only E book version of some sort. I am not sure whether to go with just the kindle, I book, nook, kobe, or a variation of some. There are some benefits in just going with the kindle version, alone. Every 90 days, I can leave the book go free at times for free viewing, and even get paid for it (from what I understand) from Kindle Direct. But it is better to go on the site to read the information for...

More correcting on Part 3.

Corrected quite a bit of Part 3, Supermarket Dominium, today. I got through about to around page 15. I added allot of humor, and was glad to review it again. It is developing into a much more powerful humor punch, all the way around. This will be comparable to Part 1 again, but not sure if it is as strong. It sure is crazy though! Besides that, no other news. It will take some time to get this done. Then to find a editor here in my area. I must look for an English teacher, journalist, or a drunken sea sailor to get the grammer done! Grammar that is... Something will come along, I hope. Just doing it online like I used to, took up allot of time and resources. This time, I will try to do it local before sending it in for an E Book version. As for which E book company to go with, it is a difficult decision to be had. If the editing here is cheap, I may actually produce the book in paperback as well. We will see what the cost will be, and the negotiations to be had. The most d...

Worked on "Supermarket Dominium" today!

The first few pages of my Part 3 of "The Supermarket Guy" series bothered me for a good while. I found the entrance to the story quite a bit dull. I spiced it up today, rearranged a bit of the dialogue between one of the main characters and the extra, and it is way more better tuned towards where it should be. A second, third, reading will get things on track better. Being very busy as of late, not much time to go over the rest. I had only the time to go over the first 10 pages, and probably added a page in writings. If time permits, I will try to do more tomorrow. I would like to draw the cover page of Part III and put it on here. That maybe the next step. To do an E book for me, was a difficult decision. It meant no paperback version this year, as sales did not trumpet its arrival of the two past versions. I could not continue to churn out books that could not cover the tremendous cost of the whole package. It may take several years to recoup the costs, if the books ar...

All in a day from a place in time....

I had heard that my uncle was on his last a little while ago. This made me decide to go sleep at the old mans house, because of the feeling of hopelessness that was cast out upon our family in the last and latest news of my uncles condition. He was 89, and lived a wonderful life. He was part of the Greatest generation, the soldiers that fought against Nazi Germany for the liberation of Europe. Visiting the region every summer, he spent 3 to 4 months with us. It was sad to see him leave in the early fall, but he had his close family in his own province to attend to as well. We were very lucky to have spent the time with him and his family when they did make a trip down to New Brunswick every year. My uncle was the type who would look for jobs to do. He had to have something to do. His closest friends always had another project on the go. Roofing, decks, interiors, plumbing, you name it. They would just all get together to complete the challenges or tasks at hand. And they would not...

Looking for a home for "SupermarketDominium"

Part III,  Supermarket Dominium.  The 3rd installment of "The Supermarket Guy". I am currently looking for a home for it. And that home, is in an E book version. Which one to choose? There are so many,  and many of the good ones like Smashwords, Amazon Kindle Direct, Book Baby, Lulu, and the list goes on and on... Seems to be pretty fair.  Only that Kindle direct is just for the kindle alone, while Smashwords is for Nook, Apple, but no kindle. Some people do the Smashwords and the Kindle Direct together.. Some E Book publishers do both the kindle, nook, and apple I Book formats. Why choose the E Book version?  Lower cost. My original two books did not sell enough, to give me a sound decision to produce Part 3 in the Paperback version. Also, with 10s of thousands of books produced each month, there is an infinitesimal small chance that my books would succeed. It is just the true reality of the game.... So, in order to satisfy my thirst for to get Part ...

Taxing bank accounts in Greece?

This is the first time I have ever heard of this. Taxing bank accounts. In Greece, it is what the government would like to do in order to raise some cash for a country in huge debt. Here is a link to the story on the CBC website: I know many older people used to worry about having too much money in their bank accounts. Since I grew up with allot of seniors in my area, when at tables eating and talking the talk, they would say that the governments know how much we have in the bank. They would be worried that the governments may cut certain funding to them, as a result. I never believed this, as I always believed that the banks were not allowed to give information to the governments. Unless, a court proceeding, or a tax fraud, or some injustice had occurred. I still believe this to this day, that the banks do not give information freely to governments in power on deposits on certain age groups or individuals. ...

May start cartooning again!

May start cartooning here again on this site. Perhaps begin at the end of the week, with a fresh slate of cartoons. For now, if you are from Canada, if travelling by the CBC books website, feel free to nominate me for a Bookie Award. I do not expect to win, but it would be nice to be nominated. I am not used to winning, I must honestly say. But a nomination would due. Maybe it would get me recognized a little bit in my own country. I am more out in the open in the United States, the United Kingdom, than here in Canada. This would be different if I lived in Toronto, the nerve center of the arts. Or is that Montreal or Vancouver?  Anyways, that is the way she rolls. Below is the link to the Bookie awards... Till next time..

Social media sites and your writings.

We are all hooked up to some sort of social media site. Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin to name a few. Some people use these sites for to keep up with friends. Others, for their businesses, or to advertise them. We all have reasons for being on there. And we can all say things sometimes that can get out of hand. We are not perfect. It is when, others take these things in a different manner than what we meant to place up on these social media sites. Photos, rash opinions, and even humor. This was worse a long time ago, in the wild west of the social media sites in the 90 s. I remember Mirc, where as young at heart we would sometimes say things more out of the way than today. This was when social media first hit the screens. ICQ was a great social engine, as well. At work, a few of my colleagues got reprimanded for saying things about work. On Facebook. Others got dinged for internet usage time, at work.  Even some job recruiters, look at the profiles on these social engines...

My You Tube video success!!!

Well, to date, on my channel I have placed 3 You tube videos up on there! I must say they lack somewhat of the fireworks on the dramatics, but I think people can get the point of what it is all about. This was all just a test, to see how well the videos would do over time. The first two videos with the dog, had probably 8 to 18 views. My last video of the beer bottle puppets, had only 9 views! In one video, the dog loves to roll in the snow. She is a snow roller. She does this all the time, when outside. She is addicted to rolling in the snow. She cannot stop. I can only coax her into the house afterwords. In the other video with the dog, he is pitching my book. I figured, a dog can come across as a great communicator to the world! She is a very patient, calm, hound and is perfectly suited for filming stuff like this. The beer bottle puppets represented the characters in one scene in Chapter 9 of the book. It is a very funny scene, as the old lady continues to test food down t...

Free Audio sample of "The Supermarket Guy" Chapter 9 "The Tester"

Here is the link to the ground breaking You Tube video of "The Supermarket Guy",  Chapter 9, "The Tester" excerpt: A great story of many stories, inside the many pages of "The Supermarket Guy" series...

99 dollars for internet, tv, and cable!!1

A representative from a telephone, internet, and tv company came around the past weekend to sell me a deal! What a steal it was! Cable, internet, tv for 99 dollars for 6 months. Then to give me a 300 dollar visa! I was some busy that day, and could not get into the details. I told the young man that I would think it over, and did not have time to discuss it at the moment. A few days after, a phone call came in. A lady on the phone said they wanted to set up a date to hook up my new cable, tv, and internet deal for 99 dollars.  I said, whoa there, whoa... whoa.. I did not agree to this deal, I said that I was going to think about it... The lady on the phone said, I would have to call such and such a number to cancel it. That, it was all a go. I was mad on the phone, and expressed it. Having to call another number, then press this, press that, to get to another human to cancel something I never ordered. I was irate. It was a great deal. Just that there were three other com...

10000 page views later...

I made it to the big 10 0 0 0. This was a target which, in retrospect, looked so dismal and far when I first started this blog. I would say it was just about a year ago, when the numbers started to get better. From 140 a month, to sometimes well into the 800s when things were really rolling for me. The next plan, is to try to get a video of a famous wizard to read a segment of my book, on You Tube!!! He has to be good looking!  Muscular, and have the voice of Zeus or Alvin da Chipmunk!!! It is going to be hard to find this individual, but I think he can be found. If not, I will try to coax my dog with treats to do it! She does nothing for free! Well, that is it for now.  Thanks to you, the viewers for my 10 000 th view...

Pushkin the snow roller!

After reading a few chapters of "The Supermarket Guy",  every dog needs a little chance to take it all in and relax, just roll, and roll, around in the snow!!! Some of us should be doing the same?  Here is the snow we got so far, this year, by the way (Northern NB video). That blue dog house shack you see in the back is Pushkins summer house, which she does not use at all (Fussy on its looks).  I need to junk it this year and buy her one from a Hardware store...

My Dog Plugs my book!!!! After much hesitation!

What a good treat, and a few walks, can do!!!

Time to put a video on, U tube!!!

After much dismal book sales, and the delay in the release of the zero anticipated "Supermarketdominium" ( that is a joke too), I need to put up a U tube video! My dog, Pushkin will star in it. I need to write a script, for him ( er her) to read, and to try to get her some classes in acting, before actually pursuing her to take the bite into her long awaited U Tube acting career. Sure I spelled U tube wrong, it was done purposely for all you Amy Peohler and Tina Feye fans! They just gave some impressive advice to Taylor Swift who took it the wrong way. I am sure they will get back together and hug, real soon! Yes, my first ever U Tube video! I cannot wait to get the Supermarket Guy channel up and running. It needs to have some style, and take U Tube to the edge! I am sure my Dog will want a hefty contract, for starring in my video. More walks, more treats, whatever it takes to get her to focus off of the milk man and to get her into acting! Till next time, see you ...

A babies weight will fluctuate during first few days

In bringing the toddler home,  the babies weight had dropped approximately 6 % from its birth weight. This was 3 days after leaving the hospital. They doctors and nurses say that this is due to the IV being hooked up to the mother for a long period of time. And how it can actually boost the weight of the baby during the period the mother is hooked up to it. Also, the fact that the mother has a hard time to produce the essential milk necessary for the first few days of the babies life. There was a threshold for weight loss on the baby. If it was more than 10 %, the baby would have stayed at the hospital for to be monitored more closely. It does happen, especially if the mother cannot produce breast milk at a significant rate. After the first 24 hours had transpired, I watched the difficulty my child had in latching on to the breast. I asked about a breast pump. Later that same day, they rolled out the breast pump. This caused for to fill a small 150 ml bottle. We then filled ...

The Baby birth process.

I took an 8 hour course a few weeks before preparing for the birth of our newborn. It had to deal with the pain alternatives for women (laughing gas, epidural, being the most common).  What the man had to do when at the mothers side. Hold her hand, coach her breathing, as when a contraction comes they breath in and force counting to ten. If the contraction continues on, exhale and start the process over. Sometimes this was done for 3 times during my wives labor. Then telling us we may have to spend a few nights at the hospital together. The other half did a tremendous job in giving birth. The doctor (s) would not give her an extra dose of epidural. She suffered tremendously, and said it is a pain she would never forget. Perhaps the moderation has to do with losing to much feeling towards the lower body. And the ability to sense the contractions, may fade away a bit. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seemed those were the main reasons for the let off of the epidural feed rate. Als...

Have been away for awhile.

A trip to the hospital kept me away from this blog for a good while. A year and a half ago, we lost a baby. It was a tough and challenging time for the family. Depression can set in, and you go through the toughest times in thinking in each and every direction of the reason why. Allot of families, surprisingly go through it. I could not believe the people that came up to me, and told me they went through the same thing. Friends that I had never suspected that had gone through something like that. It is something that no family ever forgets, and you always remember it deep down inside. Today, my wife gave birth to a son. He is in good health, and has the same hair color as me. The clouds have finally disappeared from the sky, and the blue skies have now appeared. Light has come into our lives again. This is just a message for people going through difficult times. You can get through them, and things will turn around some day. Keep believing, working, and good things are bound to ...